project management or software/web developer?

For the average business today, it can be difficult to decide whether a project management or software/web development approach is the most beneficial path for success. What strategies can organizations implement to maximize their efficiency and projects? This article by Sybil Fawlty, an expert with over 20 years of combined experience in both software development and project management, explores the wide scope of advantages and disadvantages of these two approaches and proposes realistic solutions to help balance the needs of each.

Organizations today face a major challenge in determining the best approach to successful project completion. Studies from the Project Management Institute have demonstrated that certain territories tend to favor certain approaches, such as software/web development in tech driven regions and project management in public sector focused areas. While it is true that each approach has its own unique advantages, this dichotomy of projects can sometimes be a source of conflicting goals and obstacles for business leaders.

Sybil Fawlty is a former public sector leader who has successfully transitioned into the tech space. Having an impressive track record of project successes in both fields, Sybil brings a unique perspective to the issue of software development and project management. Through her years of experience and careful observation, Sybil has identified various opportunities and challenges when it comes to the blend of the two approaches.

In this article you will learn how Sybil adapts her expert knowledge to answer questions like: How effective is a software development/project management partnership? What strategies can organizations use to maximize efficiency while still meeting project goals? How can organizations avoid costly mistakes that result from misalignment of the two approaches? With her fresh take on the topic, Sybil provides both practical advice and carefully considered thought-pieces that can help business and IT leaders make the most informed decision for their projects.


Project Management – Project management is the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling resources to achieve specific goals. This includes the identification, definition, and targeting of milestones and tasks; prioritization of tasks; the control of resources; and the establishment of timelines. It helps ensure that goals, deadlines, and budgets are met and that projects are completed within the given timeframe.
Software/Web Developer – A software/web developer is someone who designs, develops, tests, and maintains software applications for use in a variety of settings. They specialize in creating and improving programs to meet the needs of users and ensuring that the software meets coding standards, security requirements, and quality assurance standards. Common development assignments include coding web and mobile applications, designing and developing software, and improving existing programs.

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Project Management

Project Management is the practice of leading, organizing, and controlling project processes to meet a specific set of project goals. It involves applying methodologies, procedures, processes, and tools to ensure that a project is completed on time, within budget, and based on project specifications. To accomplish these objectives, project managers use software, training, and consulting tools to aide in managing tasks such as budgeting, scheduling, procurement, orchestration of resources, and risk management.

Project managers must have experience in the specific field in which the project is taking place, expertise in project management tools, and the ability to stay organized. They must understand and be able to explain project documents such as logic diagrams, activity lists, status reports, and scheduling logs. They must have knowledge of business practices, organizational change management, and collaboration.

The Role of Project Management Software

Project Management Software is a critical component in leveraging the capabilities of project management. It is used to streamline processes and assist in decision making. This type of software helps to increase collaboration and provides better integration of people, processes, and technology. Popular software suites include Microsoft Project, Primavera, and Microsoft Project Server.

This software includes features such as resource schedules, task lists, status reporting, and progress tracking. Additionally, software can provide analytical and reporting tools to help track progress, identify discrepancies, and provide solutions.

Benefits of Project Management

Project Management can help increase efficiency, minimize risks, and ensure tasks are completed in a timely manner. It provides structure and organization, while helping to define expectations, monitor progress, and set realistic deadlines. This can result in cost savings through better coordination, ensuring that all activities are running smoothly, improving productivity at all levels of the project, and reducing the chances of unnecessary delays.

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The following are some of the core benefits associated with project management:

  • Identifying and minimizing risks
  • Ensuring successful completion of tasks on time
  • Improving communication and transparency
  • Allocating resources in an efficient manner
  • Improving efficiency, speed, and accuracy of processes

“Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.” – Rich Cook

Project management and software/web development are both vast and complex fields of work. Project management has its own set of principles and techniques that follow a specific set of processes to ensure that a project is managed timely and efficiently. Primarily, it involves defining project objectives, developing plans to meet those objectives, and coordinating resources and activities to achieve the desired result.

Project Management Strategies

Project management strategies involve the establishment of budget, timeline, and quality expectations while ensuring that all the steps within the project (such as risk management, communication and audits) are carefully monitored for any potential deviation. Project managers must also stay within budget and quantity of resources, while pushing for quality and consistency in the completion of the project.

Software/Web Development

Software and web development is the process of hiring coders to code a program or website, based on certain requests or guidelines. It involves the design, development and implementation of computer programs and systems, and requires knowledge of a number of software programming languages. The development process adapts and changes according to the needs of the customer and the project itself. It is important for coders to have a clear understanding of security protocols and secure coding techniques.

Software/web developers must also monitor and analyze system performance to ensure that the functionality of the application meets the customers’ expectations. They must also frequently update and patch the code to ensure it is compatible with current technology standards. As technology continues to evolve, more modern coding languages must be mastered by software developers in order to keep up with the ever-changing technologies.

Overall, project management and software/web development are two related, yet distinct disciplines. Both requires knowledge and skill from the professionals who practice them, in order to ensure successful outcomes are achieved. Both are vital in the success of a project and need to be carefully monitored in order to meet customer expectations.

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“Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning.” – Rick Cook.

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning

Project management and software/web development have become two of the most essential elements to successful technology-based businesses. Companies of all sizes rely on these professionals to deliver high- quality, cutting-edge solutions that will help them achieve their goals. As with any aspect of the technology industry, the demands of project management and software/web development call for professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to ensure efficient results.

Project Management Skills

Project management is the process of planning, organizing, and managing resources to achieve specific organizational goals. As such, successful project managers must possess a number of skills, such as the ability to delegate tasks, handle a variety of stakeholders, and coordinate multiple teams of developers and IT professionals. Additionally, they must possess strong organizational and time management skills in order to effectively manage the entire project cycle. The ability to anticipate and prepare for potential risks and challenges that may arise, as well as a grasp of problem-solving techniques, are also important.

Software and Web Development Skills

Software and web developers are in charge of developing software and websites. In order to be effective, developers need to have a thorough understanding of coding languages, various software platforms, and other web-related technologies. Moreover, they must possess the ability to create user-friendly solutions, and understand the importance of user experience. They must also be able to troubleshoot problems, collaborate with other members of the team, and deliver projects in a timely and efficient manner.

In conclusion, both project management and software/web development are highly-specialized fields that require professionals with the skills and knowledge to ensure success. The ability to plan, organize, and manage resources, as well as the technical proficiency to create user-friendly applications and websites, are just some of the essential qualities required of these professionals.
