Do computer scientists only work as programmers?

Have you ever wondered whether computer scientists only have the ability to work as programmers? This question is something that has been pondered for quite some time now, and one that does have some validity. After all, computer scientists have a general knowledge of many aspects of computer science, including coding, programming, cyber security, data

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Is machine learning the future of software engineering?

The increasing use of automation and machine learning in software engineering has raised many questions: Is this the wave of the future? Or is it simply a way for software engineers to increase productivity and efficiency? Is the move from traditional software engineering to machine learning ultimately beneficial to the software engineering industry? These are

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Is artificial intelligence related to software engineering?

The relationship between the study of artificial intelligence and software engineering is an emerging and complex phenomenon. Is it possible to develop an effective AI system without a strong foundation in software engineering? Could AI-assisted programming lead to faster and more efficient software development? Does a comprehensive knowledge of software engineering help to better understand

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